◂  February 2022

Quality Summit: Creating an Inclusive and Respectful Community for Residents and Staff

Published by: cvanadmin





Prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) often means bringing groups of staff and residents together from different backgrounds, identities, and experiences. There is still work to be done when it comes to activating allies internally and externally, and action plans that enact diverse, equitable, and inclusive behaviors. With so many important priorities (workforce shortages, COVID-19 restrictions, changing resident needs, etc.), creating an action plan that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion for residents and staff may feel overwhelming. Having a strong record of diversity, equity, and inclusivity is critical for your workforce and company culture.

Thanks to the generous support of our partner, the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), we are able to provide this robust and important programming to participants for free.

Each day will consist of a 45-60 minute interactive presentation, followed by a 30-45 minute facilitated discussion, where registrants can collaborate and create action plans. Because this event will be held virtually via Zoom, we recommend participating with audio and video capability activated on your device, however, this is not required. We encourage registrants to actively participate using the chat feature to engage in discussions with the presenter and fellow registrants, answer polling questions, and participate in small group discussions. A recording will be available for those who prefer to watch the content OnDemand.

February 8: Awareness, Education and Expectations: Operationalizing Belonging for Staff and Residents
Presented by Lou Radja, author, coach, BeMoreGiveMore 

This session will focus on creating belonging by meeting practical and fundamental needs of team members and residents; identifying and overcoming barriers in belonging, building resilience through training and education; and supporting, empowering, and making space for employees through uncomfortable interactions.

February 9: Decoding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): What Does it All Mean?
Presented by Court Morse, founder, owner, Action Path, LLC 

Participants will understand the difference between diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); explore DEI using a framework for intersectionality (race, culture, gender identity, LGBTQ+, neurodivergence); identify individual, cultural, and institutional opportunities for justice; and examine how to apply DEI concepts to trauma-informed care for both residents and staff members.

February 10:  Becoming an Ally and Facilitating Courageous Conversations: How to Begin the DEI Journey
Presented by Christopher Ridenhour, coach, consultant, Christopher Motivates 

The presenter will build upon concepts presented in the days prior to help attendees create an action plan to begin their journey toward an inclusive and equitable workplace. Many people fear saying or doing the “wrong thing” when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion, which can often lead to silence and inaction. This presentation will provide tools to identify the DEI readiness of communities, staff, and residents; create a vision and intentional strategies for equity in communities; create a dynamic work environment that inspires creativity and innovation; discuss good and bad management techniques along the DEI journey; and facilitate collaborative and difficult conversations.

Disclaimer: Times, dates, and presentation topics are subject to change.

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