
Virtual Reality for Seniors

July 31, 2017

This guest blog post is written by Robert Cohns, president of Madison Furniture, an exhibitor at the OHCA Annual Convention.

In this blog post, Robert discusses how virtual reality can be a valuable tool in long term care facilities. Visit Robert at booth 211 (to the left of the main entrance) at the Annual Convention Trade Show. 

If you haven’t already, take the time to register for the Annual Convention, September 18-19, in Portland, Oregon.

My company discovered virtual reality (VR) recently, but it only took a few days of seeing the technology before I realized that VR could be a fantastic part of the senior living experience and a powerful tool for senior care providers. Since discovering this technology, I’ve walked in space, jumped out of an airplane, climbed Everest, visited the Eifel Tower, swam with dolphins (and sharks), meditated under the ocean, and so much more.  I did all of this while sitting comfortably at home.

VR opens up so many possibilities for activity directors and others in senior living. Now, you no longer have to pick between a van ride to the market or the mall.  Your residents, even the non-ambulatory, can go virtually anywhere in the world, from the Serengeti in Africa to the Great Wall of China to the canals of Venice, all in twenty minutes and all on the same ticket!  Imagine the joy and the conversation opportunities created that can last well past the “travel” experience.

And you can do more.  You can have 360 video filmed at important family life events, birthdays, weddings, and family reunions.  Residents in your community can then experience these in VR and feel as if attended the events in person!

This is a powerful sales tool, allowing you to showcase to potential family members and residents that your facility goes far beyond the norm to enrich the lives of your residents.

To learn more, read some recent news articles on VR use in long term care: